White Mountain Ridge Runners


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Welcome to the White Mountain Ridge Runners

This site was created to in Dec. of 2002 by my friend Paul and I, as a way for us to share our pics of our 4k foot peak treks in the White Mountains of NH. We also began giving our views on gear we tried and things we saw along the way. 

I hope to be a bit better about updating this more often, as I have started hiking more now. Hope you enjoy the pics and reviews.



Shane on Franconia Ridge, Nov. 2001


Oct. 25, 2003-  North, Middle and South Tripyrimid.


Nov. 5, 2003-  North and South Hancock


Nov. 15-16, 2003-  Mt. Gaihead


Dec.30, 2003-  Mt. Lincoln and Mt. Lafayette

Good Bye My Brother.....

I know it has been years since we have updated this page, Paul and I have been busy building, remodeling and restoring homes in the area. 

I have to say good by to my best friend, brother in arms, hiking partner today.  Paul was taken from us today in a tragic accident while on a bicycle ride with his father, sister, and neice.... he leaves behind a wife and two children that he loved with all of his being.

You will be sorely missed and never far from my thoughts and prayers.. Thank you for the 38 years of friendship, the hikes and just being there for me.

Semper Fi my brother

"Click for Mount Washington, New Hampshire Forecast"

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Next hike.

I know it's not in the Whites, and not a huge peak, but I am planning to do Straight Back and Anna in the Belknap Range... I am knocking off the whole range according to the Belknap County Sportsmen's Assoc list. Leaving from Mt. Major parking area bright and early Mon. 4/21.

Shane on Zeacliff. On our way to the 48-4K's in 52 weeks!

Peak to Peak Trail and Wilderness Links

Peak to Peak Trail and Wilderness Links

Backcountry weather - Trail conditions

Devil Dog Concepts- 2002144042